Saturday, February 17

day three

mark's at work, bethany slacking off like a ba student. we head downtown with mom ventura, wade through the traffic to pick up the wedding dress. head back to the spice shop, spend money we haven't got on things we don't need. wander through kensington market and a little of china town, then streetcar and subway to pick up the car and the mark. crawl through the rush hour traffic forever. it's fricking cold. wind chill takes the temperature well below minus twenty; my camera won't work cause it's too cold, i have to put the batteries in my pocket for 5 mins to coax it into life. worth every second of it.

next time you'll get daytime pics. playing 20 questions: can you say music is alive?

1 comment:

Genie_64 said...

hi rob nice pics i reckon the aliveness of music depends on the aliveness of the listener. so get litnin. cya soon john