Friday, March 2

day sixteen

ontario was hit by a winter storm from colorado, so everything kinda went to pot. thanks j. we were due to return the hired stuff from the wedding; it took us 2 hours just to get downtown. on the way, a car had parked in the snow, blocking a streetcar, so we were enlisted to bump the car in the snow until the streetcar could pass.

after completing our task, the day was over - it took 8 hours of driving to travel from home, downtown, and back again. fun and games. toby and i shovelled the drive; we made a snow mountain...

1 comment:

beth said...

yaaaaay for snow! We drove through that bad boy all the way to Montreal! It took 10 hours but it was so much fun. Thanks for returning all of the gear, you guys are the BEST. Can you just stay, please?
That snow mountain is awesome. Tonight we are skating downtown and it is an all night art show so a lot of sketchy people will be out and about...weird artists.
We miss you and love you. Keep BLOGGING! Bethandmarkhardy